Monday, October 26, 2009

La creatura bella azure vestita..

So my hair has been blue for about a week now. A lot of my friends-- who think they're pretty funny have been pulling out the "Smurf" card. Which is ridiculous, Smurfette is a blonde. According to that logic, We should call blondes smurfs... a dude asked if my bush was blue.. it gave me some cRaAZyYy ideas.

I've also received a number of compliments and old men attempting to show their appreciation in really lame jokes... such as a bus driver the other day who said "So, I guess you went to the hairdresser and got the blues?" I didn't know what to say to that so I responded 'Yeah, pretty much.' Old men are funny. He probably had blue hair once. PUBIC HAIR THAT IS.

What I really love about having blue hair is the deep color of it... its so tasty everytime I look at myself I want to eat it. A piece fell out during class and I had to pick it up and stare at it intensely for a long period of time. It's really way cooler than your hair. I recommend you try dying your hair your favorite color, it's sort of really awesome.

I realize it won't last forever... like all good things it will eventually turn green. But I'm loving it. Really.

The zombie walk was on Saturday and was terribly cool. I went as a grandma with knitting needles sticking through my wig, strangled with red yarn. Yep. Classic times. Biggest yet.